There are times, such as last night, when I wake up feeling sick and shakey and full of panic, and wonder if anything at all has changed since this time last year.
I would try and explain my reclusive tendencies, but, well, you know…
There are times, such as last night, when I wake up feeling sick and shakey and full of panic, and wonder if anything at all has changed since this time last year.
I would try and explain my reclusive tendencies, but, well, you know…
Kentucky High School Athletics are probably the last thing I’m worried about, but I figure other people might be interested.
Basically, there was this big to-do recently over high school athletics in Kentucky, and whether or not public and private high school sports teams should be seperated (not allowing private schools to participate in the same state championships as public schools). There was also some issue about the transition from grade school to high school and corresponding sports teams.
As I said, I’m not really following it, so I am quite fuzzy on the details, but some amendments to some bill were made and it’s going to the House tomorrow, so if you’re interested in this sort of thing, this was the email buzzing around work today…
Edit Edit: Okay, I figured out what is going on. It was KHSAA that wanted to make it so private schools can’t participate in state tournaments. There was also some deal that the student had to commit to what high school they were going to by the 5th grade to be able to participate, is kind of ridiculous, yes?. This amendment that is going through will make it illegal for KHSAA to do this. The amendment is tacked on to some bill that doesn’t seem related at all, as per typical legislation it seems. Apparently all the uproar is mostly to do with football (St. X and Trinity always making it to state sort of deal), but KHSAA can’t just pinpoint one sport, so they were trying to do it to all of them.
“HB 532, An Act Relating to Athletic Activities
This is an Action Alert to insure that our children are not unfairly penalized because of their parents’ choice of school. We urge you to contact your State Representative to ask them to concur in House Bill 532, an act relating to athletic activities, sponsored by Representative Mike Cherry as amended in the Senate.
HB 532 passed the Senate Friday, March 24, 2006 with an amendment offered by Senator Tim Shaughnessy. The amendment:
1) Insured that the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) cannot exclude non-public schools from participating in the state championships; and
2) Requires any rule that restricts the eligibility of a student to participate in high school athletics based on the geographical boundary or the grade school that the student attended to be approved by the General Assembly.
This amendment will insure that no child will be unfairly excluded from school athletic activities because a parent exercised their constitutional right to choose a school for their child without approval of the General Assembly.
Please call 1-800-372-7181 today and leave a message for your State Representative to vote to concur on HB 532 as amended. This vote will take place on Wednesday, March 29, 2006. Time is short. CALL TODAY.
Harry Borders
Executive Director
Kentucky League for Educational Alternatives (KLEA)
1042 Burlington Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
hborders (at) ”
Note, I altered that email address so the guy there won’t get spammed from my website
For those of you interested and who don’t see the comments on my actual website, my brother found out where that Lex Luthor cake picture is from.
It’s from the 1978 published “Super Dictionary”, as seen here on Amazon.
And indeed, that exact image is one of the customer images. Mysteries solved!
I know this is disgusting, but I miss Math classes. I know I know, I’m horrified myself.
I love these things! I would love to play with an interactive online model of one. Once there was a math exhibit at the Science Center, and they had a few models of these sorts of things. They were great, but I would like a virtual one to play with, because I couldn’t get my arm stuck in a virtual one.
…I MEAN… ¬_¬
I try to avoid making sweeping blanket statements if I can…
Click on an image and mouse over to see the pre-retouched version, it’s interesting some of the things that get changed
I kept meaning to link to Brendan’s entry about broadband pipe providers trying to trick people into thinking that charging for web speed is a thing that makes sense
Go and read it, because it is good. I wish Brendan would ENABLE COMMENTS on his journal.
Inspired by Maria and indirectly through Ken, I’ve found that Pandora is perhaps the best thing ever.
My musical preferences are so scattered and picky and eclectic that I have a very difficult time discovering new music that I like. I usually just always rely on chance discovery via the musical tastes of a friend. Now I at least have a foothold.
This time I’m actually writing these DOWN so that next time I venture out to buy music, I won’t totally blank.
I snagged this from Denali Kat
“Indisputably, however, France has handled the resultant situation in the worst possible way. Unless it assimilates these millions successfully, its future will be grim.”
This article was written in 2002. It is lengthy article but a good one. Would I have paid as close attention to it if I’d read it 3 years ago? Probably not, but then there’s that whole 20/20 hindsight thing, yeah?