Tag Archives: lost entries

Anyone in need of aquarium tenant?

I was building up to write a big long post about Nancy sometime after her death, and with my grandmother’s death so shortly afterwards, it seems unusual and possibly callous to post about a fish. Oh well.

McKinley, the betta that Ken gave me as a Christmas present to cheer me after Mr. Laguna’s death, has died today. He was the last in a long chain of fish deaths over the past few months. I am mostly sad that I had him such a short time, I feel like it’s some lack in mothering skills that led to his short life span, but perhaps that’s being unfair.

I am taking a break from fish-keeping. As much as I am delighted by bettas, I need a pet with a little longer of a maximum lifespan at this point in my life. Maybe a turtle. Cari’s turtle gave me a bit of a look into the sort of interesting and spunky personality a turtle can have. My apartment’s strict no-mammal policy limits me otherwise.

I suppose I am being slightly unfair, for there is one fish left. It is little Ottobot, the Otocinclus catfish. He’s a maintenance fish, and is tiny and swift and usually hides, only coming out to rasp away the algae. He is full grown and barely an inch. A lone maintenance fish in a 5 gallon tank does not seem an appropriate life, and I do not want to get any new fish for the tank. I really just want to take down this tank altogether.

Would anyone be interested in adopting a little otocinclus catfish? He is a very hard worker and needs a good home. Surely someone out there near me has an aquarium that could use a good rasper. Much better than plecos, I might add, because those things grow to be like a foot long. Ottobot is a good fish, you’ll never get a peep out of him.



For the most part, my analytical brain helps me out, but from time to time it gets in the way. I am very bad at the “what would you do with 1 million dollars” sorts of questions, because even though I know the real question is “what are your most prominent superficial desires,” I cannot seem to answer as such.

Growing up, I believe I missed the point of the “is the glass half empty or half full” question. When proposed, I simply thought, “Well, how did it start off? If it started as a full glass and half was removed, then it is half empty. If it started empty and was filled halfway, then it is half full. Duh!!” I couldn’t answer the question without knowing the previous state of the glass and where the state was going. If the person asking refused to tell me these things, I would simply refrain from answering the question due to insufficient data. I did know what they were really trying to get out of me, but for some reason I couldn’t answer the implied question, only the literal one. Honestly, they should have just asked me if I was an optimist or a pessimist and been done with it.*

I am thinking this fond analytical memory should teach me something about myself and how I work, but I can’t put my finger on it.

* I do recall one instance where we were all asked about this, and someone who thought they were very clever puffed up and said they were a realist in a very smug way. I followed up saying I was a surrealist and that the glass was melting all over.

Kentucky High School Athletics (what a weird post from me!)

Kentucky High School Athletics are probably the last thing I’m worried about, but I figure other people might be interested.

Basically, there was this big to-do recently over high school athletics in Kentucky, and whether or not public and private high school sports teams should be seperated (not allowing private schools to participate in the same state championships as public schools). There was also some issue about the transition from grade school to high school and corresponding sports teams.

As I said, I’m not really following it, so I am quite fuzzy on the details, but some amendments to some bill were made and it’s going to the House tomorrow, so if you’re interested in this sort of thing, this was the email buzzing around work today…

Edit Edit: Okay, I figured out what is going on. It was KHSAA that wanted to make it so private schools can’t participate in state tournaments. There was also some deal that the student had to commit to what high school they were going to by the 5th grade to be able to participate, is kind of ridiculous, yes?. This amendment that is going through will make it illegal for KHSAA to do this. The amendment is tacked on to some bill that doesn’t seem related at all, as per typical legislation it seems. Apparently all the uproar is mostly to do with football (St. X and Trinity always making it to state sort of deal), but KHSAA can’t just pinpoint one sport, so they were trying to do it to all of them.
“HB 532, An Act Relating to Athletic Activities

This is an Action Alert to insure that our children are not unfairly penalized because of their parents’ choice of school. We urge you to contact your State Representative to ask them to concur in House Bill 532, an act relating to athletic activities, sponsored by Representative Mike Cherry as amended in the Senate.

HB 532 passed the Senate Friday, March 24, 2006 with an amendment offered by Senator Tim Shaughnessy. The amendment:

1) Insured that the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) cannot exclude non-public schools from participating in the state championships; and

2) Requires any rule that restricts the eligibility of a student to participate in high school athletics based on the geographical boundary or the grade school that the student attended to be approved by the General Assembly.

This amendment will insure that no child will be unfairly excluded from school athletic activities because a parent exercised their constitutional right to choose a school for their child without approval of the General Assembly.

Please call 1-800-372-7181 today and leave a message for your State Representative to vote to concur on HB 532 as amended. This vote will take place on Wednesday, March 29, 2006. Time is short. CALL TODAY.
Harry Borders
Executive Director
Kentucky League for Educational Alternatives (KLEA)
1042 Burlington Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
hborders (at) kleaonline.org ”
Note, I altered that email address so the guy there won’t get spammed from my website

New Art! And Random Pictures

New Art!


That’s the first chunk-o-art I’ve hacked out in awhile. It felt rather good. Meanwhile, I was going through my dump directory on my website, preparing to clear it out, but I keep running across brilliant little gems that I just can’t throw away. Check some of these out…

I actually don’t remember where I found this, or where it came from, or what it is even from. But it speaks for itself.

There is a perfect word to describe the expression on Nikko’s face, but I can’t come up with it.

It was only this past Halloween that I carved Dinogirl (from the LKJJ Trailer) into a pumpkin, and I totally forgot about it!

Okay, that’s enough of that, but I might share a few more another time.

Store store store

I put a Store up on the site! There is not much there at the moment, but I do have my betta magnets and decals up.

In other news, I have been horrible about keeping my journal entries categorized. I will fix this for the future!

Also, February is practically over. What happened there?

Site Update!

Oh-ho, what is this? Could it be a site update? Indeed!

It doesn’t look very different, and so this update is probably not exciting to anyone but me, but my site as been shifted and nudged and moved about.

I’ve left some old stuff up temporarily, emphasis on temporarily. I’m still not happy with how it is shaping up, but then again, that’s the way of things. I’ve spent so much time building websites for other people, and making them all sleek and nifty and tight-coded, but coming back to this beast is rough. It’s impossible to build upon an already existing thing and make it as clean and tight as building from scratch.

Oh well, I will just equate this to my messy room. Explore and enjoy!


I used to be really really fond of Newsbruiser, until I tried to integrate it into my site.

It is really not the fault of a the program, it is very good. One problem is that my hosting provider does not support server side includes, and the other problem is that I should have KNOWN better!! I just didn’t think about it at the time that I might want to someday integrate my python-based blog into my php-based website.

Maria, you remember when we were trying to explain about different programming languages, and how they don’t work together? This is a fine example.

Every time I get ready to launch my new site update, I reach this one bump, and I go through the same steps trying to solve it, until I FINALLY reach the step where I plan to code an RSS reader on my front page to read from my blog, and then I realize how stupid and redundant that is, start to cry, and cast off the whole ordeal.

Then after some time I forget what the problem was, and try and do it again.

I really want to try and avoid having to get new blogging software, just because I don’t want to deal with it. If it comes down to a last resort, I’ll end up doing the RSS reader (grah!!), however, if anyone knows of any magical way to make Python and PHP talk to each other? Please let me know. Thanks.

EDIT: Last resort it is