Tag Archives: comics

Another Plug ‘n Chug

Okay, this is to make up for that survey post.

Internet Acquaintance and fellow Collaborator Stephen has asked that people plug his comic for its 2 year anniversary. So I am. Go read it. Stephen draws THE most expressive stick figure people EVER! And is often able to capture facial emotions that I could only dream about drawing.

I highly recommend the “random!” button (that was my idea)

So go forth and become new readers!

Acid Zen Wonder Paint

Samurai Virus

So, while chatting with Jaster tonight, it dawned on me that I never posted my addition to the ashcan comic we (we being me, Jaster, Brendan, and Stephen) did for Comic Con last summer.

I’m warning you, it was thought up, drawn, and inked in a big fat hurry. I called on characters long forgotten to re-create, and made my usual mistake of thinking up characters first and trying to shove them into a too-long story. Still, it was a learning experience, and it has its moments. This year we’ve given ourselves PLENTY more time to prepare. Anyway, here you go: Samurai Virus

(WARNING: A puppy dies on the first page)

Massachusetts Visit

I just got back from a weekend visit with Steph and it was a blast and a half! Or no, make that 2 whole blasts.

After a tasty lunch, we went to this awesome candy store. You can pick out your own assorted chocolates, so it’s like getting a box of chocolates, only just with the kinds you like, and no scary surprises. I also got a sucker in the shape of a lobster (don’t worry, it was not lobster flavored)

Steph showed me around Salem, MA, and we went to some dinky-but-fun history museums about the witch trials. We also hit up a comic store, where I *finally* indulged myself in snagging the last volume of Bone, only to see the new color reprints! Now I want the whole set all over again. We also rooted through a secondhand bookstore, snagging children’s books with inspiring illustrations out of the 50% off box.

We spent the rest of the evening playing various video games, with a brief break for sushi. After a bit of gaming the next morning, we went out for lunch, and then adventured on the shore (we did not find any critters, only a shoe-full of cold water, oh well!)

I’m really glad I got to visit! It was good fun, and I also got to see a bunch of Steph’s art up close, including her in-progress raven thief sculpture. I also got to meet her sweet little rat, Oreo, who is adorable and has inspired me to add rats to my “potential pets” list Yay for visits!


In July, Brendan and Maria are going to Comic-con, and Brendan thought it would be a good fun idea to make a comic compilation with me, Will and Stephen. (phew! lotta links)

Anyway, upon realizing that we are all terrible procrastinators, we realized the only way this could possibly get done was to have an all-day comic-drawing-athon. It was really fun, and productive (in spite of occasional video game and food breaks), as I went in with only one idea–that I wanted to use my old character, Samurai Virus–and came out with new characters, a story idea, and good 5 pages of rough sketchiness. Of course I’ll upload it when it has been completed, but I’m warning you right now, A PUPPY DIES ON THE FIRST PAGE.

*ahem* Yes, so, good productive drawing fun. Goals for next week include: cleaning this mess I’ve made from puppet building, finishing my Fish painting, starting a new small painting of a dragon, and of course working more on this comic.

Straight-Short-Haired Lisa still eats Candy

This weekend was nice. Since it has been established that I will be spending fall break in Connecticut, I wanted a chance to hang out with my friends in Louisville. So, Saturday I spent the day with Brendan and Ken. It was just the refresher that I needed.

Having just gotten paid, we went to the comic book shop with the sole intention of me buying myself a treat (I’m trying the whole goal-reward system with all this work I have to do. I got a lot of work done this week, I get a treat. A little operant conditioning never hurt anybody ^_^ ). I bought the first four volumes of the Bone comics. I love this series soooo much, but I always get my fix from Brendan’s collection, and I decided I wanted to start getting them for myself. Four volumes at a time seems reasonable, don’t you think?

Anyway, after chilling and reading comics and being sucked in by VH1 at Ken’s place, Brendan and I went back to his home for a sketchbook party. It was really nice to draw for fun again, and I think it was very refreshing for me. I spent that night eating buffalo wings, going through my books, and having a pleasant phone conversation with Carleton (which are always fun and awesome).

A successful weekend: I got to rest and be refreshed, but I did not do so by being a slacker and idling the whole time. I was hoping to be able to catch some time with today since she was in Kentucky, but the paper I have due tomorrow, the midterm I have tomorrow, the improv show I have tomorrow, the newspaper copy editing I’ll have to start on this week, and the constantly increasing pile of programming assignments I have due makes it seem like that will not get to happen. Curses!! Alas, back to work…


Mmm, back at school again, but the break is not yet over.

Yesterday was very pleasant. Brendan came to visit me, and we rode about in the pleasant weather. We went to the art supply store, so I could pick up some microns and a new kneaded eraser (is it just me, or do kneaded erasers get lost easier than any other art supply?). Then we stopped by Great Escape to fulfill our inner geeks, and lounged and browsed among the comics for a good while.

We both broke our vow to each other to not let the other buy anything, and after stopping by home to pick up our art supplies, we went to the park to sit and read and draw and…sit some more. The weather was perfect, it was sunny and lazy and wonderful.

Later, Ken came to join the visiting, and we grilled out and had steaks for dinner. Will, Evan, and Samantha stopped by after that, and we just sat around and digested, and then headed back to Danville. I got my site updated this morning..

About Me

and later today Ken’s taking Brendan and I to Brendan’s home. I was originally going to just stay here by myself, but Brendan invited me for a visit (which is a good thing, too, I have a lot less ramen than I thought I did, I surely would have gone hungry! ^_^)

Home again…er…no wait…

The move back to school was successful, and my room is clean for perhaps the first and last time in a term. Yesterday kicked off with an enthusiastic reunion between Brendan, D Flo, Ken and myself, and we celebrated with many hugs, since the heat in Rodes was out and it was frickin freezing.

We then proceeded to rearrange the living room, and skipped off to see Eric Abele, who had returned to us from a long fall term in Strausbourg, complete with residual German accent.

It was a perfect time, as we were all together back in the safety and convenience of the college bubble, but no classes yet with which to worry us. It’s my favorite time. D Flo is trying to corrupt me by getting me to start Final Fantasy Tactics, even though I’ve not finished Chrono Cross yet and already broke my oath by starting Legend of Dragoon (I’m one of those one-rpg-at-a-time people), and Brendan brought back the next volume of Bone, hooray!

Overall, the night was exquisitely joyous, as I’d missed everyone immensely over break. In fact, the only downside is that even though we went to Walmart, I was so excited about the fun of the reunion that I only bought a box of Clementines and a Pomegranate, both of which I left over at Rodes…and I’m STARVING x_x


I’ve figured it out! After some careful insights, I’ve discovered why there’s so much drama going on this year than past years. Because this year I’m hanging out with frickin DRAMA people! DUUUUUUUUUUHH!! I mean last year, who did I hang out with? Chemists and physicists. Drama there? Nooooo. Freshman year? I hung out with political sorts. Drama there, but a different sort of drama than Drama drama, which is dramatic in an entirely different way.

Anyway, here’s a comic series I’m keeping for myself, containing my biting social commentary about my social circle(which is about as biting as a toothless bunny). Commentary or no, we all make damn cute kittens.
