Tag Archives: centre


I tend to think about a lot of things under the delirium of being sick. I got a nasty cold-thing earlier in the week, and I’m just starting to get better. However, under my icky daze, I found time to ponder great questions in life. Who am I? What am I going to do with my future? Why do I have “4 dimensional Mandelbrot set” written on my hand? Being sick induces strange things.

I think I may have found a solution to my art focus problem. On a glass trip to Louisville the other day, I saw some work by Lisabeth Sterling, and was absolutely astounded. She does very detailed and elaborate engravings on glass, and it struck me that if I should try this, it may very well be the perfect combination of 2D and 3D that I’ve been looking for. I’m going to give some engravings a shot for my final project this year, and see how I feel about it.

Needless to say, that is a big relief to me. Consequently, it made room for some other worrisome bits. May is flying out from underneath me, my last classes are this week, and before I know it, graduation will fling my friends out into the real world and punt me into Massachusetts for the summer. I get really clingy at this time of year. My very close friends are going away, and I would like nothing more than to spend time with them before they vanish. However, this time of year is so very busy, it’s hard to do. Excessive clinginess, therefore, is frowned upon.

I spend too much time at Rodes. Brendan assures me otherwise, but would he really come out and tell me if he thought I did? Becoming a near default regular at the place does have its comforts and advantages, but it also means I’m not a guest anymore, so no one’s really obligated to treat me like one. It’s very understandable, everyone is so busy. I feel invasive and in the way a lot of times, but every time I resolve to stay away and in my own space, I have the need to not be alone. I do need to round up all my things from there at some point, and pack them to be sent home. Bleh, I don’t like the end of the year, it’s too exhausting and heavy.


I got to have an extremely brief visit with and yesterday as I ventured to UK to see their Beowulf Cluster for a presentation. I was sad that the stay was so short, but I had to get back to Centre for the Honors Convocation, because I’d received a cryptic note in campus mail informing me that I would receive an honor.

I also learned an important lesson about Centre’s Honors Convocation. It is very different from the honors assemblies in high school. The college superiors must have done research into how little one really cares about a fancy certificate that you’ll just throw in a box as soon as you return home, and decided to give students something worthwhile for their honors.

Now, we all know that there are two fundamental worthwhile prizes: food and money. Having missed dinner, I would have been thrilled to receive a cookie for my outstanding achievement in art, but when I discovered that the little envelope I got did NOT contain a dinky certificate, but a check, I was equally enthusiastic.

If they’d given us money in high school honors assemblies, I would have been much more spirited about going! So that was my pleasant surprise for the week, I’ll use it to buy art supplies…or maybe a playstation 2 ¬_¬


I always forget about Carnival until it is right upon me, even this year when little ooze-shaped paper advertisements showed up everywhere from dorm doors to the back pockets of unexpecting launderers returning to fold their clothes from the dryer.

Carnival is awesome. It’s a big festival with live music, endless supplies of free cotton candy, snocones, and popcorn, and large inflatable play devices. You know, the kind of big bouncy things you played in as a kid, only they’re more awesome because they’re college-student-sized (and even MORE awesome for little kids, since they’re twice as gigantic).

Anyway, I thought this year’s Carnival was getting off to a bad start, as my stomach was upset all day. However, I decided to have fun in spite of this. I challenged Strother to a race in the Safari Challenge (a large, inflatable obstacle course with a plastic palm tree for setting). In my frantic scramble to win the race, my back bent in a way it was not supposed to. It was one of those injuries that didn’t hurt right away, but you FELT it, and you knew it would hurt like nothing else in a matter of time.

As all people are entitled to make ridiculously poor decisions every now and again, I thought to myself “Well, my back’s going to stop working here in a bit, I’d better use it as much as I can before that happens,” and proceeded to play on the inflato-bungee course (on which I promptly injured my head and neck).

In spite of the fact that today I can barely hobble without some sort of pain, I had a fun time at Carnival. Chalk Circle was also awesome. David Flora is a musical genius. That is all.

Frickin decisions

I have a dilemma.

I’m almost certain I’ve brought this up several times in several different places, but it has come down to crunch time. I have to pick a focus for my art major.

Up until now, I’d been leaning almost 100% towards glass. The reasoning, since I listed out everything I could and realized I love glass and painting EXACTLY the same, was because Nick and Augustine (my fellow art majors) are doing painting, so I figured I’d throw in some variety. However, I talked to Sheldon about it, and a number of issues have brought themselves up.

1. Steve is going on sabbatical in the fall term. Now, I could still do an independent study, and I’m sure Bohack could still help me, but Sheldon was concerned that I wouldn’t get the proper critique I needed to develop work for my show. This is indeed a serious concern, for while my glass is improving, it’s nowhere near where I’d like it to be and I have a long way to go.

2. I explained to Sheldon that another reason I was leaning towards glass was that I felt it was an easier outlet for my cartoony nature than painting. My oil paintings always seem to turn out darker and more serious, and I think I want to do something lighter for my show. However, Sheldon then said, “Well, you have a solid enough foundation in painting that if you’d like to pursue a more humorous route, we could arrange that. I mean, you could bring in a portfolio of your outside work and we could look over it and set something up, I’ve seen your website and the comics you do for The Cento, but I’m sure you have other things.” Basically, that’s Sheldon-speak for “you can do cartoons for your senior show if you want to.” My response..


This changes EVERYTHING. I’d dismissed the possibility of doing my more illustrative stuff for my senior show in the very beginning, because I didn’t think it’d be appropriate, or thought Sheldon would dismiss the idea. This opens up a whoooooooole new realm of possibilities.

So this swings me right back to dead center regarding the choice between glass and painting. Now, let it be known, that this is not an issue of doing both. A lot of people have noted that “it’s not fair” that I have to pick, or say “why can’t you do mixed media?” That’s not an issue at all. Even if I *had* the option of doing both, I would NOT do it, because…simply enough…I would die. Explode even.

It’s a troubling decision for me. All my glass buddies want me to do glass, and Emil hovers over me when I’m not looking to say I should do painting. I’m hesitant to ask advice from acquaintances, because glass is usually the default answer (because it’s cool). If I had some idea of what I was going to be doing with my art in the future, it could help me decide, but as of yet I have no idea.

I suppose, all in all, it’s a better situation to be in than others. I mean, I love them both, so no matter which I choose, I will be happy doing it. I will just miss not being able to do the other one. This is the first term I haven’t been able to take both glass and painting, and while I miss painting terribly. I know that if the roles were reversed, I would be dying to get into the hot shop. I’m getting no gut feeling about which of these is the better choice, but this matter is too big to let the Coin of Fate decide. Graaaaaaaaaaah!!!

…on a less important, more aesthetic note, I also have to decide whether I want to get a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. Sheldon says to pick whichever looks best behind my name, and Dr. Shannon recommends I pick the one corresponding to my preferred color for the hoods. It’s nice to have a less pressing decision to make in addition to the bigger one. What do you think?

Regarding the bigger decision, I just don’t know. I keep hoping I will talk to someone and they will give me the perfect advice, and I’ll be able to decide without hesitation. Maybe I’ll go talk to Judith.

Easter stuff

As my third year as the official family Easter-egg hider, I once again took careful count of the total number of eggs (there were 18, just 18, seems like a manageable amount), and once again there were two missing by the end of the hunt. I carefully checked all my hiding spaces, and at last had to tell my cousins that it was the work of the mischievous Easter Weasel, who’d come in and stolen them for himself. Next year, I plan on creating an accurate map of the yard, and plot all egg locations. Maybe I could employ some GPS, just for good measure.

On another note, I’ve discovered that the limit for who my grandma gives candy to is not based on age. It must be based on when you get married, for this year my brother did not get a huge bag of Easter candy, and I did. Unfortunately, I’ve found that I am no longer able to metabolize the huge amounts of candy I receive like I used to, so I’ll be doing a lot of sharing this week.

I have gripes with Easter candy anyway. It’s too shape-driven, and I’m particularly upset with those speckled, bubble gum eggs and the similar looking malted milk ball eggs. They’re like frickin identical! They’re both tasty in their own right, but biting into one while expecting the other is not a pleasant experience. Bleh!

As far as candy-holidays go, I’m still with Halloween. It seems to cater to general, commercial candy much better. Just look at M&M’s. You have red and green for Christmas, pink, red and white for Valentine’s, pastels for Easter, but for Halloween it’s like they relax. No pressure.

Back to school with me..


It’s one of those pacing, puzzling, agitated days. I’m frustrated because the sun is shining, the weather is pleasant, and I am completely out of good or even logical reasons to be down about anything. I have this internal festering that I’ve only had twice before, which makes me want to do nothing more than skip down to the art barn, collect every piece of glass I’ve made, and SMASH them against the concrete. SMASH SMASH SMASH!!!!!!!!

The first time I felt it, I had Andrew with me, and he deterred the mood a bit to where I only smashed things in my “broken box,” so there was no real loss. The second time, I had friends about to hide among, so I would stay safely away from the art barn. Today, however, everyone’s in the usual busy state, and I can’t find anyone. I fear that if I can not find anything to prevent me, the aforementioned SMASHing will ensue (hence the reason for the journal entry, it should delay me a bit before dinner).

This would cause quite a predicament, as the student show is next week, and if I smashed all my stuff, I wouldn’t have anything to put in there. It is strange, this art-destructo feeling isn’t normal for me, not with anything 2-D, and I’m one of those people who is horrified when others tear up their drawings. Of course, the glass smashing isn’t really about my feelings on the quality of my art. I love all my pieces, like little children, which makes it even more disturbing how much I want to hurl them to the ground and watch them explode.

I’m sure there’s some deep, internal metaphor in there somewhere, but I’m tired and grumpy and don’t wish to find it, only the smashing. I think they should be safe, I’ll go to run some errands then go to dinner, maybe some food will make me not want to smash when I go to my glass slot tonight (maybe I’ll fling a wonky cup into the wall, just for good measure).

The Glass Inferno

I just got out of a fairly challenging cs theory test, but that had been far out of my mind for the whole week. Why? Because it’s Dante party week!

Dante Marioni is here at Centre, to teach us glass kiddies and to give demos and such, and I have been bounding about in excitement for the past two days.

It’s a bit frustrating, as I’m sure it is with well-known badass people in *any* field of interest, that I flutter around going “Dante’s coming!! Dante’s coming!! It’s gonna be soooo awesome, eeeeeeeeee!!!”, and my friends just sort of half-smile and say “Uh…good!” Oh well, I’m sure it’s that way everywhere else. Whether you’re big into glass, comics, basket-weaving, trashy romance novels, ANYTHING, I’m sure you’ve had the experience of spouting off about some awesome person in the field, only to have the vast majority have no idea what you’re talking about.

So, for those who don’t know, Dante Marioni is a really cool glass guy. That should cover it.

I’ll be in the studio for the bulk of 3 days learning who knows what, it will be awesome. *Swoon* Yaaaaaaaaay!

Spring Forward

I found Strother’s away message to be particularly insightful…

“I hate spring forward daylight savings time, we should just fall back 23 hours. A 23 hour period where people are not allowed to do anything but relax, sleep, and be happy.”

Although I’m losing an hour of my precious time, I’m still quite happy. It seems that the fates felt so sorry for putting me through 1st-half-of-spring-term-from-hell that they’re making things go extra smoothly for the last half. Since none of my classes will conflict in the fall, it is now certain that I can complete my comp sci major, and I filled out the official forms that upgraded it from a minor to a second major yesterday. Also, I’ve found a roommate! Yuliya (my roommate from freshman year) had her eyes set on Fox Hall as well, and was searching for roommates, so if we get one more girl we can try for the apartment. My application for Centre Internship Plus is almost completely ready to turn in tomorrow, so that’s another load off.

On the other side, the glass class I applied for at Corning was full, but I’m on the waiting list. I’m not terribly concerned, though, because it will eliminate the problem of figuring out how to get from Stockbridge to Corning at the end of the summer. Also, I’m sad that I won’t get to go to Conglomeration this summer, but I’m still going to send my art in to the art show (and who knows, there might be some slim glimmer of hope that I can go).

All in all, things are going well. Strother and I are going to sneak off to Lexington today to catch Spirited Away again, and the rest of the evening will be full of studying for this week’s tests.

Night Thoughts

At around 4:30 this morning, I sat straight up in bed and thought,

“3 hours ago, at Rodes, David Flora lulling me to sleep by playing the Zelda song, Pink Floyd, and the James Bond theme on the accordion…….did that really happen?”

“Yes, it did.”

28 seconds later, I was sound asleep again.