Tag Archives: centre


I fear I will never have as hard a time paying attention in class as today, especially in Art History, I will surely explode. My backpack is already packed, thus leaving me time to clean my room and water my plants before the parental units pick me up after class.

Then I will have that nasty waiting period between the time I get home and the time we leave for the airport, in which I will surely pace around all giggly and anxious.


(and since I won’t be here this weekend to celebrate, I must prematurely wish the happiest of birthdays. You should go do the same.)

“Are you in Love with her?, “Well, that’s a bit strong”, “Oh…are you in Like with her?”

It has been the weekend of visits! Homecoming brought such lovely visitors at Ken, Evan, and the beautiful Alison Furlong, along with many others that I did not see because I was so busy.

It did not end there, though, as I arrived at my glass slot, tired and unmotivated, who should I see but Nathan Whitfield–the genius (though he denies it firmly, I know it’s true, he can’t hide it from me). Seeing Nate is always a trip, he always has adventurous stories to share. He even helped me blow glass, as Anne had to leave the slot early. Hooray for visits!

Speaking of visits, 2 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ponder ponder

Well, I managed to survive the week without too much damage done by the massive, merciless, flesh-eating robot that is college. I actually managed to defy it and get copious amounts of work done! It’s also been great fun with lots of friends up to visit and such.

My website is in dire need of an update, and I’m actually considering redesigning it to a more “static” format, since my chances to update have been few and far between. Rants of the week that have been up for half a year just don’t work. I might just haul off and make it a portfolio site, with a personal section for fun things, I’m just not sure. We’ll see how the time fairy treats me with that project.

In other news, 5 days!

Straight-Short-Haired Lisa still eats Candy

This weekend was nice. Since it has been established that I will be spending fall break in Connecticut, I wanted a chance to hang out with my friends in Louisville. So, Saturday I spent the day with Brendan and Ken. It was just the refresher that I needed.

Having just gotten paid, we went to the comic book shop with the sole intention of me buying myself a treat (I’m trying the whole goal-reward system with all this work I have to do. I got a lot of work done this week, I get a treat. A little operant conditioning never hurt anybody ^_^ ). I bought the first four volumes of the Bone comics. I love this series soooo much, but I always get my fix from Brendan’s collection, and I decided I wanted to start getting them for myself. Four volumes at a time seems reasonable, don’t you think?

Anyway, after chilling and reading comics and being sucked in by VH1 at Ken’s place, Brendan and I went back to his home for a sketchbook party. It was really nice to draw for fun again, and I think it was very refreshing for me. I spent that night eating buffalo wings, going through my books, and having a pleasant phone conversation with Carleton (which are always fun and awesome).

A successful weekend: I got to rest and be refreshed, but I did not do so by being a slacker and idling the whole time. I was hoping to be able to catch some time with today since she was in Kentucky, but the paper I have due tomorrow, the midterm I have tomorrow, the improv show I have tomorrow, the newspaper copy editing I’ll have to start on this week, and the constantly increasing pile of programming assignments I have due makes it seem like that will not get to happen. Curses!! Alas, back to work…


Amidst a busy week I am graced with a block of free time, and I’m so startled that I don’t know what to do with it. In keeping with my goal to be on top of everything by fall break, I’ve been very productive and have been getting a lot of work done. It’s surprising and satisfying, but at the same time, I’m a little discouraged with myself.

I have had nearly an hour to myself before load-in, and what do I do? Sit and idle. Maybe it’s just because I need rest, but I can’t help feeling like I’m neglecting all the important yet un-urgent things in my life. It would be a perfect time to pull one of those doodles from my notebooks (which I do frantically each day to keep up my drawing) and turn it into a finished work, or go and paint on my own, or start building a Halloween costume. Instead, I’m laying and staring at the ceiling, not even napping.

It wouldn’t be so bad if my mind would quit drifting back to the conversation I had with Carleton about the product of a fortune cookie taped to the paper towel dispenser in the painting area of the art barn that says “Idleness is the holiday of fools” to me every time I wander past.

Then again, it could be my body’s way of telling me to be still for a moment.

In more lively news, the chickens-to-be have been securely incubated, and I count them every chance I get ^_^

Plants anyone?

Who can give me advice about caring for aloe plants? I hear they can be tricky.

My parents got me one, and it will be handy in case I set myself on fire in the glass studio. At first I was going to name it Ali, since it’s an aloe plant, but then I decided that was dumb and cheesy. It did, however, remind me of my friend, Ali, from the summer, so I thought of naming it Crutchfield. That, however, sounded a bit too serious, so I’ve settled on Crutchy.

While we’re on plants, anyone have advice for jade plants? I acquired one of those as well, and heard that can also be tricky. I keep fearing that one day I’ll go to water it and it will explode. (its name is Jade, only because I got it by accident. My philodendron, which has been running strong for many years, is named Sydney).

What was that?

Today has been packed full of fun times. I spent a greater portion of the day at a Kempo clinic, which was awesome. I missed all my Kempo peoples, it was great to see the second fam again.

This evening I hung out with Ken, since we were both exhausted from our days (Ken () has been busy at work down at Glassworks). We happily chilled and watched cartoons, then went to the Pie Kitchen, where I fretted and debated over whether I wanted pie or icecream, pondered getting both, decided that would be splurging way too much, and ended up getting two pieces of pie instead x_x ‘Twas good, though, and we ate our pie and watched cartoons for the rest of the evening, joined later by Dave.

I’m beginning to feel the fun, creepy Halloween spirit tonight. Last night still held remnants of the summer, as the tree frogs and night critters were out making pleasant music. Tonight, though, it was nearly silent, with a few lingering crickets. We were also graced with a few calls from our local fox, which greatly added to the atmosphere. Have you ever heard a fox call? It sounds like a screaming child, especially when muffled slightly by the woods. Mmmm…must think of good Halloween costume this year.

Oh, and an Update: I may now safely count the chickens, i just need to figure out which way to incubate them 😉


Well, that weekend was productive. I managed to get started on my work for this week, plus got in the studio and made some good progress, had a fine and tasty cookout on Friday night, plus found kitten a new home! Saturday was a particularly nice recovery day, as I’d stayed on the phone up until the wee hours the night before, so slept till 1:30, did some cleaning, and then took a long nap until 5:30 or so (in preparation for staying up and talking on the phone until the wee hours again ^_^). I suppose I needed the sleep, though, and Sunday was quite productive in terms of my workload.

As I am planning to go home this coming weekend–for a Kempo clinic and my brother’s birthday–I’m going to try very hard to motivate myself and get as much work done this week as possible. Knocking out a weekend will do a serious blow to the amount of time I use to do work. Plus, if Jeff’s shaky plot for fall break ends up happening, I would like to go home the next weekend as well, to spend time with Brendan, Dave, Ken () and whomever else (though, that is homecoming, it may cause conflicts because I want to see my brother also). So, two weekends in a row with no work would be quite rough.

However, I shouldn’t be counting any chickens just yet. Must talk to Jeff today, must not count chickens…

Another year, another kitten

Following the great Rodes 2 temporary kennel tradition, I’ve taken on an abandoned kitten until we find it a good home. Cute little thing, very snuggly and playful, but I am in no state to be raising a kitten, so I’m searching for some new parents for it (any takers? Kitten, anyone?)

Ugh, this week has been quite overwhelming, with lots going on at once. Yesterday seemed to be the culmination of it, what with working the first road show (Cats) of the year and still trying to get my program for OS done. I was up until 2:30 or so, as the program was due at 3 in the morning, and I did not get it to work properly. It’s quite frustrating, because it was a fairly simple program, and I could have written it in Java with my eyes closed. But, learning C and programming in it at the same time proved to be quite tricky for me in this case (I wasn’t the only one in that boat, though, which is slightly reassuring).

By the time I got home last night I was exhausted, both from unsuccessful coding and the load-out. Perhaps it was just because it was the first road show of the year, but my hands are torn to pieces. My achilles tendon was not happy with me last night, and frequently piped up to remind me that it still had tendonitis. Consequently, my sleep last night was not terribly restful.

I called in to work today. Anne (the slide library curator) is always very understanding of me and working road shows, and had no problem with it. I thought about using the extra time to jump right in and work on finishing my other program for Compilers, but I decided that I could use some refreshing, and that it would ultimately do me more good.

So, I slept an extra hour, tidied up around the apartment, showered, and cooked myself an omelette. I have many emails to respond to, so I may spend the rest of the morning doing that. However, it is more likely that I will nap some more before my 12:40 class, and just generally get some more rest.

(and to think, my glass slots haven’t even started up yet. Next week’s going to start to get busy x_x)