Tag Archives: centre

Oy! Decisions

I hate it when things get so busy that you *have* to sacrifice one responsibility for another. It’s unpleasant, and is similar to having to choose which kitten you let plummet to its doom, since you can’t hold onto all of them as you struggle to drag them back up the cliff.

The predicament: my comp sci lab, I have to finish it. Options for the sacrifice…

1) Just don’t do it.
–theoretically, I could just turn in my lab unfinished and move on with my life. But, I’ve already missed a second lab which Dr. Shannon has graciously let me make up on my own, I shouldn’t take that for granted.

2) Bail on Jeff
–the big reason I can’t finish the lab is because I have to rush over to the theatre right after class and help hang and focus lights. No way I can bail, judging from last night’s run through, we have oodles to change and fix, and cue-to-cue is at 6. We’ll be working like ants, and I can’t leave Jeff hangin.

3) Painting
–this would be the easiest thing to do, just slip out of painting an hour early. It’s tempting, but my need to work on this current project and my devotion to Sheldon keeps me from doing it.

4) Lunch
–this is starting to look like the best option. That’s strange, too, because normally I’m the first person to give up higher responsibilites to satisfy a need on the base of Maslow’s triangle. However, it might have to be done, and that would not be pleasant.

5) Bail on weekly glass studio cleaning
–and face the wrath of DH and Ken? No way

Stay tuned for updates


Sheldon (of painting professor fame) is awesome.

Our painting class trecked down to the Speed Museum in Louisville to see an exhibition on 18th/19th century French painters, which was pretty good. Anyway, there’s this one little Cézanne that’s in the permanent collection there. It’s a small thing, of some apples and a plate, not terribly exciting to the average passer-by-er, but Sheldon can go on and on and on and on about it for almost an hour….and does so each time we make a trip to the Speed.

The interesting thing, though, is every time he starts his Cézanne-athon blurb, I learn something new and different. Sheldon is an encyclopedia.

I like looking at paintings, but the lighting and atmosphere controls of museums leech my energy like……..um….like a leech. Which doesn’t do well when you have to rush back to Danville to hang and focus lights until midnight. I haven’t decided when I’m going to do my Comp Sci lab, I need a few extra hours in the day.

Speaking of plays, I think a certain pair of UK kids should wander down here next week to see Joe Egg. I’d feed you and everything ^_^


I’ve never known anyone to get so panicky over ironing a shirt!

“Will you help me do this?”
“Yeah sure, it’s easy, just take the iron and go chwoo chwoo chwoo and you’re done.”
“Okay okay…AHHH!! IT’S STEAMING!!”
“It’s okay!! That’s normal, that’s okay.”
“But what if it catches fire!”
“It won’t…”
“AHH!! It’s still wrinkled!!”
“Don’t worry, just go over it again..”
“CALM DOWN!! It’ll be fine..”
“Okay okay…phew…alright…..GAHHH!”

Anyway, dancing tonight, even though half the campus has the Centre plague. And I finally de-lazified myself and updated my site.

Tech Ninjas Unite!

Today, I believe, is the first day of a several-week building period, at the end of which I will explode. Not that it’s a bad thing, it’s just going to be very busy with the play and all, and I’ll have to buckle down and be diligent with my work and painting.

Working a road show today. I love doing this, perhaps it’s just me, but waking up at 7 in the morning to load in a show is good times for me. Depleting my body of all of its energy stores in order to construct a set which will only be torn down at the end of the night is somehow pleasant to me.

I love working them, though, partially because the people are always good to work with. They’re always friendly and patient, because if it’s your job to load in a show every day with a different group of people which you have to explain what to do over and over and over again, you have to be patient and friendly by default. They always end up being slightly loopy, too, which is just more fun. Working on electrics is my favorite, and believe it or not, I haven’t had to use my crescent wrench *once* today.

I also visited Tony II (of England adventure fame) to bid him farewell. We discussed the interesting quirks of the States and his overall experience. I will miss him very much, but I’m sure I’ll see him again. As long as I make a point to write it down ^_^

Well, off to be studious, and rest up for load out tonight.


This is Choppi, which is short for Chopin-Matisse Flora-Brown. D Flo and I found her outside the dining hall, and named it for our respective majors. She’s a good little kitty, though terribly frail. Though we love her dearly, as responsible parents, we are letting my brother and sister-in-law adopt her (as the drunken debauchery of college life is no place for a growing kitten). It works out nicely, since my brother is a music person, and sister-in-law is an art person, the name still fits ^_^

A family portrait, as Choppi crushes my face.

Extended family portrait, with Uncle Brendan and Auntie Squirt.


I’ve figured it out! After some careful insights, I’ve discovered why there’s so much drama going on this year than past years. Because this year I’m hanging out with frickin DRAMA people! DUUUUUUUUUUHH!! I mean last year, who did I hang out with? Chemists and physicists. Drama there? Nooooo. Freshman year? I hung out with political sorts. Drama there, but a different sort of drama than Drama drama, which is dramatic in an entirely different way.

Anyway, here’s a comic series I’m keeping for myself, containing my biting social commentary about my social circle(which is about as biting as a toothless bunny). Commentary or no, we all make damn cute kittens.



Since I am only in my room at sparse, 15 minute intervals throughout the waking hours of the day, I rarely receive visitors. So it’s nice to have Jen Wolford as a hallmate, who frequently leaves me friendly messages on the whiteboard on my door:

“Lisa likes to chase the hamsters…
and snuggle with them…
and play with them..
and give them a false sense of security…
and then
she makes little hamster gloves.

You are a sick person, Lisa.”

My response is usually to draw a picture on her board, in this case, a smiling stick figure with dead hamsters on her hands ^_^ ::adds “BAMB” to her repertoire of sound effects::

Oh Wheeeeeeeeere is my Hairbrush?

I have misplaced my hairbrush, and thus have not brushed my hair in three days. Things are getting out of control.

In other news, today there was a large, inflato-bouncy slide erected on the lawn in front of our dining hall. It was significantly large, inflated, and bouncy (not to mention great fun). I think more colleges need large, inflato-bouncy slides on campus. If there were a permanent inflato-bouncy slide on campus, I believe student morale would skyrocket.

No word yet on the reason behind the presence of the structure, but who needs a reason! Too bad it was just for today.

Falling for the first time..

I don’t like finishing tests first. It’s almost as bad as finishing tests last x_x

I’m sitting down in the basement of Olin, 30 minutes before Comp Sci lab starts, mulling about how bad I feel for dashing out of that Calculus test so early. I know how it feels to be right in the middle of a fairly difficult test, working away, when someone gets up and turns theirs in. Panic! I must be doing something wrong! I’ll never finish in time! AHHH!!! I have no desire to make anyone feel like that.

So when I finish a test early I sit and wait and kick my legs, and do some checking (which is a good way to stifle my impatience and catch those ridiculous mistakes I make). Generally, I wait for someone else to turn in their test first, because turning in a test second isn’t so bad ^_^ But I am terribly fidgety and impatient, so up and off I went.

..but I didn’t want to talk about that today. I want to talk about autumn. I like it, it’s my favorite season, and I think I’ve figured out why I appreciate it so much. Autumn is very sneaky and fleeting around here, so when you catch it, you appreciate it all the more.

I don’t know if it’s the small region or the whole state, but weather here is a jumble of extremes. Sure, if you take the average all year, it *looks* like we have all four seasons. But really, the “fall” season consists of these days…Summer, summer, summer, winter, summer summer, winter, summer, winter winter winter, summer winter, fall, winter winter winter. It’s bounce back and forth, and if one day happens to land on fall, it’s rather lucky.

Sometimes it’s not even an entire day. It’ll be winter in the morning, then walking to lunch you pause and look about and sniff and notice that it’s autumn. Later that afternoon, it may turn to summer again, then bounce back and forth until it’s winter at night. Sometimes there are patches of night time which are autumn, and I find those particularly pleasant. One day you may look up and notice all the leaves have changed, then the next day they’ve all fallen.

Sneaky sneaky autumn, makes it all the more precious.