Tag Archives: cartoons

What was that?

Today has been packed full of fun times. I spent a greater portion of the day at a Kempo clinic, which was awesome. I missed all my Kempo peoples, it was great to see the second fam again.

This evening I hung out with Ken, since we were both exhausted from our days (Ken () has been busy at work down at Glassworks). We happily chilled and watched cartoons, then went to the Pie Kitchen, where I fretted and debated over whether I wanted pie or icecream, pondered getting both, decided that would be splurging way too much, and ended up getting two pieces of pie instead x_x ‘Twas good, though, and we ate our pie and watched cartoons for the rest of the evening, joined later by Dave.

I’m beginning to feel the fun, creepy Halloween spirit tonight. Last night still held remnants of the summer, as the tree frogs and night critters were out making pleasant music. Tonight, though, it was nearly silent, with a few lingering crickets. We were also graced with a few calls from our local fox, which greatly added to the atmosphere. Have you ever heard a fox call? It sounds like a screaming child, especially when muffled slightly by the woods. Mmmm…must think of good Halloween costume this year.

Oh, and an Update: I may now safely count the chickens, i just need to figure out which way to incubate them 😉


Reason why Carleton is awesome #1: He let me use his computer to update my website.

About that Mardi Gras party, it was awesome! I was so excited to see how everyone would decorate those cheap, cheap, CHEAP masks we gave them 2 days before the party. I was quite impressed with everyone’s creativity. Go and see! Isn’t everybody pretty?


Reason why Carleton is awesome #2: He has all Invader Zim episodes on his computer and has me watch them regularly.

This is important, because I totally missed out on the Invader Zim phenomenon. It ran when I was at school, and thus not watching tv, and then ended by the time I was home for the summer. Apparently, having not seen more than 2 episodes was not acceptable, so I’m getting to watch them all. The results are rather predictable–I think it’s hilarious, and I love Gir. That is all.

Numbing War Movies and Cartoons

I’ve often pondered the cartoons of my youth, and their inexplicable ability to parody the most unlikely movies to be seen by a child in my age group. Specifically, how Animaniacs, Eek! The Cat, *and* Tazmania all managed to do spoofs of Apocalypse Now, so well that though I’ve never seen the movie, I can give a decent rundown of the plot, characters, and general spectacle.

Now let’s think about this a minute. Apocalypse Now? WHAT?? Looking back, I find it strange that these cartoons chose to entertain the youth of my generation by making fun of a serious, dramatic, bloody Vietnam war movie. In that case, why did I find these particular cartoons so funny? I’d never seen the movie, afterall. Was Apocalypse Now so ingrained in the culture at the time that I just sort of soaked it up through osmosis, or did I piece it together after seeing multiple parodies that they were making fun of *something*, and apparently doing it well, so it should be funny.

It’s hard to determine after the fact. Kinda like how I got most of my understanding of pop culture through Muppet Babies. That’s how I knew what Star Wars was, afterall. It was a fundamental truth of life at the time, I never questioned where it came from, it was just *there*, and I’m certain that I knew all the basics of Star Wars before I ever saw any of the movies. Muppet Babies was definately an educational show ^_^

It’s interesting enough to think about this and look at current cartoons, and then try and deduce how this generation’s youth is soaking it all up. I also get to see things from a new perspective, I get most of the things being poked fun at. Now that I think about it, I can’t remember how my parents reacted to the Apocalypse Now parodies, it was something I just didn’t pay attention to.